Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Pound

I finally came to understand the ideas behind bikes at the co-op. It is a lot like the pound, or animal shelter. It exist in a way that compares to a bike shop like the shelter relates to a pet store. The bike there have various issues. Some are diamonds in the rough, and some are too far gone to be saved. Although not overrun, kids bikes are like puppies and kittens, everyone loves them. Older bikes, adult bikes, they don't move as quickly. Even fixed up, some may not be the same as when they were younger. The idea isn't to fix them up the same as new, but to make them as good as they can reasonably be. And while I have been somewhat spoiled growing up and having access to good bike shop bikes, (pedigrees in the analogy) there are many who don't care if the pedals are not quite right, or the brake cable housing doesn't match, if the levers are not a real pair, etc. They don't care if the bike has Shimano or Sram, if the bike came from Walmart or a Bike Shop. They care that they can hop on it and ride from point a to point b.

One bike I worked on at the Co-op was converted to a single speed, removing the gear shifters and the cables, while using the RD to hold the chain on a certain gear and add tension. The person getting the bike will be thrilled with it like that. I actually think they will like it. I found some longer BMX grips that matched the bike really well in the back parts area, and the bike rode well enough. (I don't think anyone got a pic of me riding it, I think it was a 20", maybe a 24". Small either way.)

It is true that I prefer new bikes over used. My current stable contains two bikes I bought new (one I assembled myself) and two older bikes. One I did some work on and a LBS did a lot of work on, and that was from 1974. The other is the Mongoose frame that I built up, and it is one of my favourite bikes in memory. And while I plan on trading in the vintage and the current road bike (2011) for something a bit more in line with how I prefer to ride, my Mongoose isn't going anywhere. I know every part on that bike, and I can fix just about anything that could go wrong on it. (I can't do anything about the frame if that goes though.)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Finished, minor sacrifce

The bike is done. Maybe a little fine tuning, and need to do a final test ride tomorrow, but it is done. Picked up a used FD, added a shim, realigned it when I realized it was too close to the wheel, and swapped out the twist shifters for trigger shifters. (They were on sale for $25 or so when I stopped by Performance Bike last weekend, and I like them better.)

Getting the FD to shift correctly was a real headache. The RD shifted almost perfectly from the start, and took a mere 30 seconds to have set up. Since the trigger shifts have the brake levers as well, it did take a little bit to set up. I might still need to adjust the brakes after I try them out on the road though.

Of course, it is not stock. (The shifters are closer to stock, might even be better than stock) One key difference is the crankset. I am using a 48t big ring, where the original only used a 42t. Now, I like this, because (while I forgot the specs on the rear freewheel) it gives a performance boost. Assuming from the spec list from the Mongoose that it has a 14-28t freewheel, the stock ratios would be 1.5x~3x and the 48 gives me 1.7x~3.4x or about 13% more distance per pedal rotation. (Considering the top gear before I got the FD installed was a 38, I had a 10% drop from stock when in the middle gear vs the original top gear, and about a 26% increase with the large ring compared to the middle.)

Not accounting for wind and rolling resistance, the bike still won't have quite the speed of my road bike (4.3x ratio, and 700c wheels instead of 26") but should be on par with my fixie, which runs a 3.14 ratio at the moment.

Now, moving from a 42t to 48t did have one issue. Because of the larger chainring, the FD had to be moved higher. In doing so, the second bottle cage can not be mounted. (Well, it can, but it blocks the FD from the lowest gear.) I still have one bottle cage mounted, and it really shouldn't be an issue for most rides. The sacrifice of a second cage against the gear increase is worth it to me.

I plan to put the bike though its paces again tomorrow, before it gets much colder. Being Ohio though, the cold is coming either way.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Smooth riding

I have to say I am impressed with the Mongoose. I still need to replace the FD, which appears to be a top pull (ignoring that bikepedia suggest otherwise) which I still need to replace. Hey, 7 gears is better than none. (Even if all 7 are lower than I am used to)

I moved the kickstand and rear rack from my road bike to the mongoose, and rode to Pizza Hut for lunch. (Lunch buffet, and I get my money's worth.) It wouldn't have been to bad calorie-wise if I got to ride around the bike path after, but as I was finishing my meal, I got a call to pick up my oldest from school.

Riding home, I was pushing speed on the bike as much as I had so far. It like to roll, and that is great, but then it began to shake about three blocks from Pizza Hut, and a good mile and a half away from home. I finally figured I would try something dumb, and reach back to the rack and pulled up on the bike lock. Fixed it. (Part of the lock had gotten into the rack far enough to rub the rear wheel.

Overall, a successful ride. Short term, I still need a water bottle cage on the bike. I have at least one spare one, but I am actually lacking the screws for it. The bike I scrapped during the build didn't even have the brazeons for a waterbottle, so that was no real help. They are cheap though, maybe next week I will hit a shop and get a few. Or just go to home depot and buy a few bags of them, it isn't like they are expensive.

I still miss the trigger shifters I had on the Schwinn, and I have seen reference that the Mongoose had them to begin with. I have seen some online for about $30, but that will have to wait until next year. That isn't really high on my list, as in it won't make the bike work when it wasn't before. (The FD is on the list, but not sure when I will get around to it.)

All things considered, I love the bike though. It feels nice and smooth, even though it doesn't have any suspension. It makes me miss my old Mongoose Transport, though that was a really heavy bike. Maybe next week I will see how it handles on the mountain bike trail in Troy. That should be fun. (Or cold. This is Ohio.)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How not to lock a bike

I don't know what the worst thing about the above picture is. I came out of the mall a few days ago and saw a Cannondale Quick CX (disc brakes, so not the cheapest model) with rack, bag, and smart phone holder, locked up. Or.. not.

Ok, sure, the letter locks are good for something. Maybe not locking up a $700 bike, but something I am sure. Perhaps to help keep your bike seat attached?

Beyond that, only the front of the bike had the flimsy looking chain lock on it. Since the front wheel is the easiest to remove for most thieves, and with a QR to boot, someone could just pop off the wheel, and put the frame into a truck. I mean, sure, the front wheel is locked to the rack, but the frame isn't. Oh, sorry, no, the chain only passes around the form arm, and the rack. It doesn't go though a single spoke or component. All a theif, or bored teenager, would have to do is open the QR, lift the frame up so the wheel comes out of the fork, watch as the chain falls to the ground, now only attached to the bike rack, and then put the wheel back on the fork. Not a single thing was secure on that bike. If I see the bike there again, I will see if I can find the owner and explain this to them, or at least leave a note in their bike bag.

Seriously, someone needs to teach that owner how to lock up a bike. Sure, a thief will steal a bike if they really want to no matter what precautions you take, but seriously, if your bike is expensive to the point where having it stolen would probably get reported to your homeowners/renters insurance, (depends on the deductible) then maybe you should at least try. Deter with a U-bolt, or a Kryptonite chain. Not a chain that doesn't look like a serious brand, and looks more like a toy than a tool.

(Note, I actually wrote this the same day, but set it to auto publish a few days later.)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Test ride, working well

Leaning against the tree, because no kick stand.

Today was the test ride, with the bike working nearly at full capacity. The FD is still not working (I have the wrong kind on it, but it was salvage, and the right size. This will help when getting the correct one. Plus, I think it was broken when I put it on there.)

There were a few issues, minor mostly. I had to raise the seat up a few inches, and keeping my feet on the pedals correctly was a bit of a challenge. After a year of riding Fixed, not having toe cages or straps was a new challenge.

The other big issue, which got worse as I rode, was that the seat clamp was loose. Not the post, but the coupler for the seat to the seat post. This made for an interesting ride at points. There was a point where I found the seat to be the most comfortable seat I had ever ridden on. (Much to my surprise, since the seat wasn't always that nice on the road bike.) Sadly, as the clamp was loose, the seat would rotate up and down based on my weight distribution at that time. In effect, it would quickly go from super comfortable and worth the money I shouldn't have spent a few years ago to attempting a prostate exam. That was not fun. At all.

When the seat did behave though, the bike did quite well. Shifting could be a little nicer, but still very good. I expect that might be more the older free-wheel than anything. It cornered well, and with tires about twice as wide (I swear they look wider than that) it easily took any bumps I hit. (Unfortunately, those bumps messed with the seat position)

A more minor issue was that I felt like I was just wasting power. I needed a higher cadence than I am used to, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. In many ways, it is expected from a Mountain bike. Looking at the top gear ratio and tire diameter, and comparing it to my fixie, I am getting about 15% less distance per pedal rotation. Factor in the wider tires and increase drag they present... On the plus side, being used to moving the fixie from a stop meant that keeping the top gear (of 2-7) was still easier to start from than I am used to.

Even so, the ride wasn't that bad for speed considering the route I used, getting used to the bike, and the seat issue. Part of the power issue might just be from using straight platform pedals. I have spare toe cages that I might be able to adapt. I will also move the rack from the KHS, and I think the kick stand, next week.

I tightened the seat when I got home, but I won't be taking a second ride until probably Monday or Tuesday. With the Marathon coming this weekend, I won't be doing anything else major in the way of exercise for a while.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 7 - "Done"

The build in almost done. The FD is the wrong one, but that will be a cheap fix later. For now, the bike is ready to be ridden. I did spend a little more than I had hoped, but I will get my moneys worth from the bike, I have no doubts.

Tomorrow, I will give it a whirl. With the front dérailleur stuck on the middle gear, it won't be fast, but it should be fine. I don't know the tooth count yet, I haven't counted, but I expect it to be around a 32~34 ring, a bit slower than my Fixie's 44. I do still have access to all 7 gears on the free-wheel, so it will still perform.

I sat on the saddle today, balancing in the doorway to the living room. It is much easier to balance on 26x1.95 tires than it is to balance on 700x25 tires. The top tube is about an inch or two lower than the Royce Union bike I used to have, and the fit feels almost perfect. I will add climbing bars eventually. I swear it seems like the kind of thing I should already have laying around the house somewhere.

Still, everything left is largely fine tuning. I might wait a while to fix the FD, and  I am happy with the outcome of my first self built bike.

Pics and such after the first ride.


I personally believe that bikes have souls. Not quite like a person, but a soul all the same. The soul of a bike rest in the frame, and remains there until the frame truly dies.

I think I first really saw this in an old Huffy Howler that I had back years ago, bought in '03 after my father died. The bike had a lot of issues, and would never cooperate with me. It left a foul taste in my mouth towards Huffy, though that is a bit unfair. Going from a $600 Mongoose from a bike shop to a $100 bike from K-mart is a rough thing.

My next bike was a Royce Union, R400 I think. I can't remember off hand the designation of the frame. I got this frame in 2006 I think, and I called the number on the frame for the maker, and got Airborne Cycles. (Odd note, I know the former owner of Airborne, which is now owned by Huffy.)

This bike was big, heavy, and strong. It had a front suspension on it, but the LBS didn't have the tools to adjust it. The problem for me was that the frame felt too tall for me. I pulled the kid's in the bike trailer with it for a while, and it also played a part in the great domino bike spree of 2011. (That year, I loaned it to my FIL, who realized the difference in a Next (Kent?) bike and a Bike Shop bike. He then went out and bought a Giant. My MIL was borrowing my wife's Murray that I had fixed up a bit, and it was great, but it spurred her into getting a Schwinn from Performance. My wife had ridden on my Schwinn once, and bought a Cannondale two days later. Somewhere in all this, I bought a new road bike.)

The RU bike was stoic and proud. That bike felt like it would take on any challenge, and I sold it for near what I paid for it a few years later. I hope the new owner appreciates it as much as I did.

After the RU, I bought a 2007 Schwinn Voyageur. It was a previous year model, from Smittys. (Aka, the bike shop I am banned from. One day, I plan to sit down with Chris, the one I don't like, and hash things out.) This bike was great, I completed a metric century on it, and it was the bike I used the first year I did the Tour de Donut. Right before the Donut, I had 700x25 tires put onto it, blue ones. It clashed a little with the frame, but I dubbed it "Smurf Killer", and rode it. I did have the tires sink into sand during the race once, at a rest stop. I found that amusing.

Smurf Killer was a good bike though, but it didn't have the heart to push speeds all that much. It was a hybrid, and a good bike, but as I progressed in cycling, it no longer met my needs. I sold it a few years ago, and it sold quickly. A family drove about an hour just to pick it up. Their daughter had the exact same model, but it had gotten stolen while she was in college. She loved her bike, and getting the same model/color/year was something the excited them. I do hope she enjoyed the upgraded trigger shifters. I think the bike would have liked the commuter life better than racing and touring.

Next I purchased a used (of course) 1974 Schwinn Varsity. One thing I noticed quickly was this bike demanded speed. It did slow at times, but in its heart, it wanted to race. Sadly, it was much too old, and heavy, to make to any races, but I did have it up to 28 MPH at one point. (I only got the Voyageur up to 32.5 MPH) The bike is old, and a lot of the components are stock. I actually went to ride it a few weeks ago, but I need to replace the front tube, which I don't have at the moment. Still, for an old, and probably bomb proof, bike, it can hold its own.

Shortly after getting the Varsity, I actually had the spare money to purchase the KHS. (2011, Flite 223) This bike it kind of solemn. Sometimes it wants to go, and it will keep going, but it has some quirks too. Somehow, this bike has no name. (Granted, the Varsity doesn't officially have a name either, but is usually referred to as a variety of green things.) It has done decently, for me, at some races, but it always feels like it needs tinkering with. It has been the most finicky bike I have ever owned. Is some ways, it is like a B-list actress that acts like an A-list Diva. Also, there is something weird about the chain stay, the wheels have had to have nuts added to prevent chain rub. Even a mech from Performance said something was weird with it, but he couldn't figure out what. This bike will likely leave my stable next year.

Glowie, my Purefix Fixie, likes to do whatever. It was tense for the first month, where it did try to kill me. (This is unfair, riding a fixie is not the same as a multi gear road bike. Cornering, in particular, was a skill I had to relearn.) After that, it became the primary bike for me to ride this year. I have more miles on it than I do my other bikes for this year so far, and I have used it for 4 time trials. I still use the KHS for tours, partly because anything over 20 miles is a bit rough for me still on a fixed gear. There was no way I would do the Double Donut on that bike. It is a nice, simple, and clean bike. I love that bike. I just need to check the tires, and out the door I go. Simple.

This leads me to the Mongoose. I haven't been able to ride it yet, obviously, but I felt it's soul when it was just a frame hanging on the wall. It wasn't dead, it was almost dormant, loosing hope. Building it, I feel it coming back to life. Even with some parts better and some worse than when it was stock, it wants to go. I envision this becoming my around town bike when I need to get things. The rack from the KHS will be moved to this bike once it is on the road. Upgrades will come to it, and I think that I will have this bike for a long time. Even if I get a full suspension mountain bike for racing, it won't take this bike's place.

The poor Next. It was suffering, it had seen rough times. The headset, BB, just not doing well. I felt bad stripping it, but I know that even the parts I don't use on the Mongoose will still go on to other bikes, and make life better for others. I do not pray often, but I did pray for the soul of the Next, that it may come back in the next life as something better, more proud. Maybe like a Kestrel, or a Harley.

I think that deep down, souls are the real difference between bikes.  You can walk down the aisles of Wal-mart, or Target, and there are a lot of bikes screaming out in pain. Fancy paint covering a tortured soul. Some of them suffering, wishing to be better bikes. Some know that they will be bought, and abused, left to rust on some porch until they are thrown in the trash. (Bikes in bike shops rarely scream out like that, aside from 'trade ins' perhaps.)

And some bikes in the big box stores seem content. Some of them look like great bikes, and may serve well for a long time. Especially if they get rebuilt by someone with the time and money to do it right. Sadly, most of those people would just end up buying a bike from a bike shop in most cases.

There is something to be said for the bikes in the Co-op. Some of them are near the end, some of the ones that are donated are in such poor shape that there is nothing worth removing from them. Those will have their suffering end soon enough. Others, however, are mostly full of hope. Some may never work the way they did when new, but they all know that they will go to someone who needs them. Their primary existence is that they will make someone happy. They get fixed up, and serve a purpose. Sure, some may still end up getting rusted, but they still seem to enjoy their new lease on life.

The Mongoose had a disadvantage. It had hung on the wall for a few years, just a frameset. There are a few other framesets there, and they don't have as much hope. Few are going to pick out a frame set, and build it up. The Mongoose got lucky, and it knows it. I saw that the bike was from the Brunswick days, and that it was not the modern Discount Store line that you see now. Too many would have ignored it for that alone. It will be a great bike, and I can't wait to ride it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 5, 6. Almost complete

The Mongoose is now a bike. Lacking a few parts, but not many.

Monday I stuck the shifters and brakes on, which really didn't count for much.

Today, when I went to make my car payment, I stopped by Carty's and looked at parts. He had a 'nearly scrap' Next bike. $25 bucks, and I stripped it for what I could use. I got a FD that probably won't work, but it does have the right clamp size. The RD is the wrong type, though correct speed. I might be able to trade it at the Co-op though. I also got the triple crankset, aluminium pedals, seat post, etc. The handlebars were decent, but the screws were stripped, so the frame and fork went to the salvage yard. I got a buck sixty for that. That helped offset the cost for crank bolts, since the Next had a weird BB that used nuts. Neither the headset nor BB were worth removing, so I ignored them.

I also got 2 additional wheels, with air-holding tubes, and the rear was in better shape than the QR one I already had. The front wasn't as good, so I have a QR in front and bolt in the back. Still, spare wheels are good.

I am donating off the AL pedals, because I don't care for them. (Yes, I preferred the plastic ones I already had.) I am also donating the Next's seatpost and seat, as well as the brake levers. I am also donating the front grip shifter. The rear was destroyed and not worth repairing, if that was even an option.

I did get the front brake working, with a little helpful advice from the LBS. I never thought about using the QR to adjust the way the wheel was centred, unscrew one side a few rotations, and then tighten the other side. Simple, yet not obvious to me. The rear brake will be easy, but I need shifter housing to use it, same for the FD.

This leaves the bike at a point where I need a direct mount RD, chain, and housing. Really, it is almost done. If I can get the RD from the Co-op, I might be able to ride the bike next week.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 4, a leap forward

It looks like a bike!

I volunteered for 4 hours at the co-op today, and picked up a few more parts. For a whopping $15 bucks, I got a wheelset with 26/1.95 tires and a 7 speed freewheel. (I think it is a freewheel, I didn't care to check. It is a 7 speed. That is what matters.) The rear needs truing badly, but it should work for now. (Long run, maybe I will upgrade, but I don't see that being a short term thing. I like that they are QR wheels.)

I also got a handlebar, so that is on their now. I might still swap out the seatpost, it is a little high, but that is negligible. I hope to get the brakes, gripshifters, and grips on tomorrow, and then the cockpit will be done. (Sans cables)

This leaves the build almost done, with me still needing a triple crankset, chain, front and rear V-brakes (or linear pull), front and rear dérailleur, cables and housing, and a chain. I could probably use a kickstand too. I do have the waterbottle cages, but I am lacking the bolts for those, not that those are costly. I can take the one I have to Home Depot and get a few for under a buck.

I might just be able to have it done by the end of the month, though progress will take a backseat for a week or two. But today, it looks like a bike.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 3, some progress

I did make some progress today, and the bike is beginning to take shape. I went to the LBS (short hours due to be a Saturday during band season) and rummaged around in the back of the shop trying various seatpost and stems, finding ones that would fit.

I ended up needing a 26 mm seatpost, and I got a chrome (or was it cromaly?) seatpost, and the stem installed. There is a little gap at the top of the headset where I assume there used to be a gasket at one point. As long as I do well with maintenance, it shouldn't be a problem.

I have the stem and seatpost as low as I can, I will need wheels before I will be able to adjust the height. Next though, I need to find the brakes and a handlebar. The latter should be easy, ditto for the brakes.

I plan on doing 4 hours volunteering at the non-profit tomorrow, but with the Marathon next weekend, I will have to skip a week.

(In case you are wondering, yes, I put a seat on. I am not counting it for the moment, and plan on swapping it back out soon. I am planning on likely making this my day to day bike, and trading up my KHS. This saddle is the Selle Italia one that cost me well over $100 a few years ago when I had a little more money. I put the OEM back onto the KHS for now.) I might put the original Varsity saddle back and put the replacement onto this one. That may be a better overall match.

I did find a single spot where the headset binds. It just so happens to be in a spot where the wheel would have to be turned 180 degrees. As such, it shouldn't be an immediate problem.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Build part 2, no progress to report

I didn't really expect any major progress today to begin with, so there is that. I stopped by the LBS to look about a stem, but didn't end up getting one. (Decent prices, I might go back and get the stem after the Marathon next weekend.)

A strange thing to me is that the SRAM shifters that were on my Voyageur were paired with a Shimano free-wheel originally. On the plus, I at least know that getting a Shimano style 7-spd wheel and free-wheel will work well in the final build. I will probably split out the wheels over a few weeks, cheaper piece-meal than as a wheelset, for whatever reason. The rear dérailleur won't be to expensive, though I should get a seat post. (And a seat.) The wheels are the only really expensive thing on the list, but they are not really a big challenge at the moment.

I did pull the seatpost and seat from an old Free Spirit I had in the basement. It was too small for the bike though. I thought it needed a 25.4mm post, which should be easy enough. Nope, the Purefix seatpost was too small. A quick online search shows I need a 26.2mm post. That may be a little harder to find, but far from impossible. I will probably just have to take it into the bike shop and try a bunch to be sure.

I found my spare pedals (since my main bikes have been swapped to cage pedals) so I added those to the parts bin for this build.

Of course, this is something I want to do. I might actually have the bike set up better than when it was new. Now, to be fair, Bluebook for the bike in the original configuration 'like-new' is only $67. I will probably spend that on the wheels. I might (doubt it) pull it out for under $100, but even if I pay $134 by the time it is done, I still think I will be well off. Of course, part of it is enjoying the journey.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

New Project

I went to a quasi-local NFP yesterday to look into doing volunteer work. I figure, if nothing else, at least it can go on my resume as something good. The "store" is a bike shop that is entirely run by volunteers, and is only open a total of 7 hours a week. They repair and sell bikes, and have them at little to no cost for kids, and reasonable amounts for adults.

I helped with a few things, and also got a 'new' bike frame. (They actually gave it to me, largly because it was probably never going to get built there and sold, and had been hanging there for a few years...)

So, now I have a new project for myself this winter.

This is a 1998 Mongoose (Brunswick, NOT Pacific) Maneuver CX. As a whole, new bike, it had an MSRP of $260. Not expensive, but this was a Bike Shop model, not a Big Box bike. It did come with the headset, fork, a BB, and the QR for the seat post. That's it. The bike shop that donated it stripped the poor thing down to near nothing.

For my first day working on it, I pulled the fork off and re-greased the headset bearings. They seem to be ok, and I don't think they will need replaced for a while still. The BB is something I am going to need another tool to remove, a spanner of some sort I believe. Regardless, the BB will be replaced with a sealed cartridge style.

I couldn't find my good adjustable wrench, but I found out that the giant wrench I bought for dealing with BB's was the same size as the top lock nut for the headset. (Well, the wrench is imperial, not metric, but it worked.) I think the wrench set me back a whopping 15 bucks a few years ago, but it was worth it. Yeah, those are my largest channel lock type pliers that I have next to it. It is not a small wrench.

One concern going into the build was shifters. This morning, after sleeping on that problem, I remembered that I still had this:
This happens to be the OEM parts from my 200x Schwinn Voyageur that I got rid of a few years back. I had the shifters and brakes changed over to trigger shifters, but kept the original parts. Since the Schwinn was a Hybrid, the shifters and brakes should work for this build, and since the Mongoose was originally a 21 speed, the shifters are basically similar to the original. (Possibly better, as they are 10 years newer.) I will still need to get a new wheelset, cassette/freewheel, crankset (likely JIS) with BB, and dérailleurs, but the drive train has a start.

Aside from the tool for getting the old BB off,

I am a dumbass sometimes. I was playing a youtube video to find out what the tool I needed was, so I could order it. The video then says, then you get to the lockring, and you can use a lockring removal tool or... I have a fixie. I have a fixie that I have changed the rear gear on. I have a freaking lockring tool. It is the same freaking size, also. Found the tool from the fixie shelf, and 30 seconds later, I have it off. The BB is out and... what the.....???

The bottom bracket.... was wearing a rubber? Ok.......

Actually, the bearings don't look all that bad. Sure, I could put 20 bucks into a new BB, but I think I will just regrease and put it back in. It actually looks pretty good, all things considered. Sweet.

(Yeah, I could have probably just edited the entire blog, as I did keep walking over to the bike and tinkering with it as I typed this, instead of just using the strike-through option, but I like to show how my mind works sometimes. )

For today though, decent progress on the bike. I think my next goal/subgoal will be to get a quill stem, bars, and new shift cables.  This shouldn't be to expensive, the cables will have to be new, but they are cheap. (I guess I could get housing as well, that isn't too expensive either though.)

Day 1, total spent: Zero.
I wonder just how cheap I can keep this build.

Catch up

I havn't updated the blog since just after the 3rd time trial of the TT series, for a few reasons. I missed the 4th time trial because I had my car broken into during a training run in early August, and didn't get my car back until after the race. (My car has the bike carrier, plus the space to put the bike without taking it all apart.) Having to replace my DL, as well as all the locks to the house, get new credit and debit cards, etc, as well as the copay for the repairs to the car drained out our finances just in time for buying back to school stuff for the kids.

The Tour de Donut went well though, coming in at 78th out of 96 riders in my age group. I completed the course, which was just under 100 KM in 4:14:09.3, and got an adjusted time of 3:49:09.3 after eating 5 donuts. (5 was all I could down this year, my body wasn't happy with me.)

The Tour was done on my KHS bike, with the original tires on it again. After a series of random flats, I was riding and something felt off (about 2 weeks before the Donut) but I wasn't able to find it at first. I was a few miles from home, near the newly opened connector of bike path, so I could walk it home if I needed to. I got off, checked closely, and found a tire bulge.  The new tires from last year were toasted, well, the rear anyways, so I replaced with my original tires. (Yeah, I keep everything. I really need to get rid of the bad parts though...) On the plus side, the tires (700cX26) are easier to install than the x25's were, and inflate an extra 25 psi.

In the last month, Glowie has gotten two rear flats while sitting on the enclosed porch. I havn't figured that one out yet, I didn't find any holes in the tube the first time, and didn't find anything in the tire or wheel to lead the way. I also have a flat on the front tire of the Schwinn Varsity. I think I have a spare tube for it, since it seems the valve is bad. Also, the bike pump doesn't want to work on Schrader valves anymore. I don't know if the hose can be replaced, but probably just as easy to replace the pump. I might just grab a Walmart one, since the bikes in the house that use it are not often used, and have lower pressure tires.

It is now the end of cycling season for me, since this is Ohio, and October doesn't always make things pleasant for outdoor rides. I do have the trainer, so that will help, but no more races until spring. I can't wait.

Monday, July 14, 2014

TT race 3 - Kentucky Speedway

The third time trial in the series was held yesterday at the Kentucky speedway, down in Sparta. (Or was it Warsaw?) The race, being held on an actual Nascar track, was rather interesting. (Ignore the Strava climb data, it has issues.)

It was a "long" 2 hour drive down there, which is nothing compared to at least one racer from Pennsylvania that also made the trip. The mountains were lovely, and the areas where there was no shoulder nor guardrail overlooking some valleys were just insane. (Note to self, try not to take I-71 in Kentucky, unless necessary.)

Packed the night before,  spare clothes for after the race, tools for changing a tire, etc. For a lot of my races, I still the bike inside the Vue rather than on the bike rack.

It took a few minutes to find the entrance to the racetrack (gate 3, in hindsight. That was missed in the pre-race instructions) and then I got to drive under the track itself to the central area for parking. (I assume that would be the place spectators don't get to visit.)


It was a nice tunnel though.
 It was a somewhat fun race, a little different being on the track, especially compared to the road races that make up the rest of the time trial series. 7 laps on a NASCAR track, and no worry about pedal strike if I corner to hard, what isn't to like?

I might have enjoyed myself more than I should have...

 I got 5th place, and have a firm grasp of 4th for the point series. If I miss the final race, which I don't plan to miss, I will still be guaranteed 4th overall. I don't think one of the 3 above me will miss, the race is local to one, and the other two haven't missed a race either. (Certainly the guy who has a freaking Carbon framed fixie isn't going to start skipping now, and the other guy did RAIN the day before the race, as well as in the time between finishing RAIN, he picked up his daughter at the airport and still beat me at the race. (He came in at 353rd for RAIN, out of 1,086 riders. Showoff...)

During pre-race warmup, I stopped to get a pic of my bike leaning against the wall in turn 4, which was more difficult than I expected, due to the slope of the track.
It was a fun race overall, I do need to get more time riding in to place, but my times are getting better, and next year I think I will actually be able to beat someone in the fixed division. I don't know if I will do that on Glowie though, but maybe I will. Just because they have carbon or aluminum bikes don't make them the fastest. (Though the 50/15 ratios help them, by about 6% compared to my 44/14 ratio.)

I know what the bike needs to go faster. White tires. Or at least white walls. Yeah, that's it...

Seriously though, I enjoyed the race. It did get a bit hot out before the awards were done, and I did come home with another # of pasta. (After the first race, I think I have a lifetime supply.)

Hey, more pictures! (some by me, some from Good Times races, who did the timing.)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Gloves and a color shifting bike

I got to thinking about my gloves during a ride this week, largely because my rides give me a bit too much time to think. I own three pair of cycling gloves, a pair of Schwinn gloves, Bell (from Walmart a few years back) and some Bontrager mountain biking gloves my wife bought me for a holiday or birthday when she worked a few miles from the Springfield bike shop.

Typically, I never wear the Bontrager gloves, they feel weird on my hands, and in the winder, they are not much help. If I did mountain biking, which probably would require I have a mountain bike, they might be great. I haven't owned a mountain bike since my Mongoose Transport was stolen off my second floor balcony back in 2003. (That happened to be the same 2 day period of the great Blackout, and my dad's death. That week rather sucked. And yes, the bike was locked, they really wanted that bike, not the 20 other bikes in the complex that weighed much less, and were not locked up.)

(I refuse to acknowledge the Kmart special, a Huffy Howler. I had a few issues with it, but it was all I could afford after the Mongoose was stolen. The deductible on the insurance was 500, so they gave me $100. I would later sell that thing at a garage sale for $5. I'd have happily thrown that thing off of a cliff, if it wouldn't have been considered littering.)

Anyways.... my go-to gloves are the Schwinn ones. I got them at the Troy bike shop when I worked at Wendys, so that would have been in 1996. I had actually looked at them a few days before I bought them, and figured I would come back for them. I was then riding across the overpass for I-75, when I had a gear break on the Huffy Blade I had at the time. (I had crappy bikes after my parents divorced. I probably would have had better bikes had I picked to live with my dad instead...)  In the crash that happened, I cut my hand open rather badly. I did get a decent scar from it, and I probably should have gotten stitches, but I didn't. Had I bought the gloves, I would have been a lot better off.

Being that the gloves are now a good 18 years old, and legally old enough to buy their own porn, I really should retire them. Half the time I put them on, my fingers end up coming out of a different hole than the finger hole, but they still work.

A few weeks ago, after my last race, I stopped into the Performance Bike in "Dayton", and saw some nice looking crocheted style gloves. They reminded me of the ones my dad had when I was little, but they didn't have my size. I just find it weird to think of retiring a pair of gloves that I have had, and used, for over half of my life. Like I said, sometimes when I am riding, I have too much time to think.

The other odd thing for me is that I still can't get Glowie to glow when I ride. Not that she hasn't learned a new trick. Last month, I ran a 5k put on by NoxGear, who makes a glowing vest. (Fiber-optic LED) Now, because Glowie is white when not glowing, whatever color the vest is lit up, Glowie reflects. So.... riding at night, the bike is now shifting between various colors, including red, green, and blue. (I forgot what other colors it can do.)

I have my next race Sunday morning, at the Kentucky Speedway. This may well be as close to a Velodrome as I will ever get, so I really need to make it count. I'll pack up for it tomorrow afternoon, after I put oil in my car. (I swear it seems to drink oil sometimes.) I have a busy couple of weeks ahead, with the TT this weekend, the Dayton Dragons 5k next weekend, Dayton Celtic Festival's 10k the weekend after that, and I am planning to do a 5k the weekend after that as well. On top of that, I need to start pushing my longer rides, in preparation for the Double Donut. That won't be on Glowie, I think, but it is going to be a hard ride.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Last chance, bike. Last chance.

Yesterday was the annual Vandalia Freedom Tour bike ride, and I decided to do the 50k route. I had picked this distance partly because I haven't really gotten any major long rides in this year, as well as not having the road bike ready when I was signing up. (My KHS had a loose spoke in the wheel.) I did get the wheel trued, which is great, because that would have sucked on a fixie.

The route was hilly, and it was only 52 degrees at the start, which is really cold for Ohio on the 4th of July. I set a few PRs for parts of the route, and it was strange riding a multi-speed bike after getting used to the fixie, though the fixie did help me learn to get up hills a little better. (There is still a lot of room for improvement.)

It started out well enough, it really did. Unlike 2012, when I had a flat tire on the bike carrier, and blew out my only spare when I changed it. (And then got sagged because of heat at around mile 48, and a few miles from the next rest stop.)

But this was not 2012. The flat tire wasn't until 4 miles after the first rest stop. This was an annoying thing to fix, but I had the tools to do it with me, and cost me a good 20 minutes to get it changed. (Rear wheel, super tight tires, no visible leak, etc. I can change the tires on my other bikes in a fraction of the time. I've shown my son how to do it in well under 5 minutes before as well.)

I rode the remaining 20 miles wondering if the tire as low, leaking again, etc. (We all know I mean tube and not really the tire, its just how most people say it.) Considering I inflated it from a CO2 canister, I don't really know the pressure. Better a little low than to destroy my last tube. (And my only cannister with me.) Still, I got through the ride, but I am no longer happy with the bike. I might replace the rear tire and rim tape, but I am thinking that I might be happier trading in that bike. It just hasn't been quite right since I had to replace the wheel set, and I would love to get my hands on a true touring bike.

I know Fuji has one, but their website doesn't make it easy to find. Purefix doesn't do that kind of thing, KHS has one, but the only spec that has changed in the last 4 years is the price going up, although I just looked, and it is now blue instead of black. Still, at over $1000 msrp, I don't think it is worth it. Now, the Salsa Vaya Travel, I would totally buy that. Sadly, I think there are a lot of things I would pay out $4,000 for before I'd buy that. If I had a job that paid about $120,000/ year, I could afford that. So that is out.

Really, I am probably best off replacing the tires, and the rear rim tape, that is a fair bit more affordable. Still, I don't feel like I can rely on the bike any more, and that is not a good thing.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Final prep

I got the rear wheel on my KHS road bike trued last week before the LBS closed for vacation, and everything is tuned up and ready for the Vandalia Freedom Tour in the morning. This one isn't going to be easy, really it will be the longest bike ride this year for me, at 32 miles, give or take, and hills unlike what my home town can offer.

This ride is rather a bitter one for me, two years ago, I got sagged around mile 48 of the 100k route. (I did the 100k successfully in 2011) This year, it is going to be much cooler, and I am doing the shorter route. The caveat to this though is the 50k route doesn't leave the hilly region of the moraine. The 100k actually goes into some nice flat areas, and even within a few miles of my house. In some ways, the 100k might actually be easier...

One thing I do love about the tour though is they supply a water bottle. I had two of them (1 for each year) but my son's soccer coach two years ago stole one, and refused to give it back. I am still bitter about it, since it wasn't one I could just go to the store and replace. I might pick up a spare this year if I can, but I heard the design changed last year, so...

Still, with the ride starting in about 8 hours, I probably should go to bed. Not that I am in a huge hurry.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

2 races in a week

I had two races the first week of June, both on Glowie, and one was my best, and one my worst, race so far. (I delayed writing the blog to see if pics from the second race would get posted. They didn't.)

First off, I had the Troy Strawberry Festival Time Trial. There were a few people from the Fort Wayne team that had taken most of the podium at the TT in Fort Wayne there, which meant a good 2 hour drive. I'd see both of them again three days later at the second in the Midwest series.  I was at a bit of a disadvantage in this race, since my road bike has a few loose spokes, and wheel truing is not one of my skills. The Strawberry festival race doesn't have a FG division, just age groups. Still, I managed to shave about a minute off my time from last year, so I really can't complain too much. (Other than coming in 60th out of 65.)

I am in the Tour De Donut Jersey. I think it had just dawned on the one person that I was on a Fixie. 
The second race was also the second in the Midwest TT series, which I am competing in under the FG division. This was one of the hardest races I have ever done, mainly due to a particularly nasty hill. It was the first time I have ever had to get off of Glowie and walk up a hill. That wasn't the worst part. The hill, on the way back down a few miles later, had a few turns. I fought to keep the bike at about 30 MPH, because my legs just couldn't keep up with the pedals at that point, and I questioned if I was going to survive the race. The winner of the fixie division there said he hit 40, but he is also running a 50/15 ratio (compared to my 44/14) so he had it harder on the uphill (obviously, he is a bad-ass) and a little easier on the downhill, since at the same speed, his pedals rotate less.

TT2 - Bellbrook
(I know the link says I got 4th overall, it does that sometimes when somebody makes a new course the day of a race, and then there are about 5 people who all get 4th. I started 7th or so, and with the gps time, blah blah blah, etc.)

Overall, for Men at Bellbrook, I came in 86th out of 86. For the points series, I believe I am now in 4th for the FG division. First and Third from the Ft Wayne race didn't show up to this one, and the winner for this race wasn't at Ft Wayne. The next race in the series will be at Kentucky Speedway, which should make for an interesting race. I am planning on taking a second bike along and doing a second race. Yeah, I know that I won't likely end up on and podiums, I'm there to have fun. Even if that means I enter the age group division for my second race using a 1974 Schwinn Varsity. Nothing says 'there to have fun' like riding a bike that weighs more than 2 or 3 other peoples bikes combined.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Race season begins

I haven't posted in a few months, for a few different reasons. Earlier this year, there were two local fatal bike crashes, one of which happened a few miles away, within sight of one of my training loops. I also was focusing on the Flying Pig Half Marathon, two weeks ago, and my final semester of Grad School.

Today was the first bike race of the season for me, the Midwest Time Trial series. Being held in Fort Wayne, Indiana, it was a good 2 hour drive each way to the event, but was worth it. I took "Glowie" for this one, and entered the Fixie category. I came in 6th place, out of 6, in what tied for the largest Fixie field in the series's history. 1st and 3rd in the category were separated by less than 40 seconds, though I was a good 15 minutes slower than the winner.

It was a good ride, for the most part. Outbound, I was averaging around 19 MPH, but there was a price in that. The turnaround put me into one of the worst headwinds I have ever seen. I fought to stay about 13 MPH for the return 6 miles, and I averaged about 16 overall.

I actually had parked next to one of the other Fixie riders, and a few spots from a third one. It made for some interesting conversation, I believe I may have had the only Steel fixie there, though I am not sure I would trust an Aluminum frame for fixed gear riding.

After the race, I stopped at the McDonald's in Van Wert, Ohio. I was sitting there eating lunch when a familiar face stopped and said hi. It was one of the top-3 finishers from the Fixie division, and we talked for a few minutes until a third rider from the division walked in. Half an hour from the race location, and 3 of the 6 riders in the division happened to be in the same McDonald's at the same time. (While the TV in Mcdonald's was playing a bike race from California!)

I really enjoyed myself today, I really felt like I was in my element. For me, that is incredibly rare, and for those that really know me, to think I could be in a large group of people and be completely at ease and talking to any of them at random is an almost mind boggling thing.

The TT series still has 3 races for this year, and there is another TT that I plan on hitting in 2 or 3 weeks. (Its on a weekday, and there is another Midwest TT the following Sunday.) I will probably ride Fixed on that one as well, and I will finish the Midwest series on the Fixed, so I can earn all my points in the same division.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nothing like the first long (ish) ride of the season

Snow, Ice, Driftwood. Ohio?

Today, partly due to a combination of non-freezing weather, and just not feeling well in the morning, causing me to skip leg day at the gym, led to my first 'decent' bike ride of the year. I'd love to say I got 10 miles in, but the GPS says 9.9, split into two separate trips. But it was still the first real ride of the season, instead of the short little trips I had been taking, and with the 44:14 on Glowie, my legs are really feeling it.  I actually got on the bike path, in two different sections going different directions, getting a fair amount of distance before I had to turn around due to ice and snow. (The way the second trip was going, I was actually more worried about the driftwood. Ohio really has been screwing with me this year.)

I find it somewhat odd, really. The Pure Fix bikes come with 700x28 tires, and my KHS currently has 700x25 on it (originally was 700x26) but I feel like the tires on the fixie can handle a LOT more than I trust the tires on my road bike. I don't know why I feel those 3mm make a difference, but with snow on the ground, I didn't have many seconds where it felt like my bike was going to slip on ice. Falling off the bike, that's a different story.

There is a hill on the bike path that my wife doesn't really like, and she only recently got to where she can ride her road bike up it without getting off. Today, that hill was NO FUN. Also, that hill still had some ice and snow on it. Compared to the KHS Flite 223, I would have been in the gear between the 5th and 6th highest, or about 4 gears harder than it was with the stock cog. I still got up the hill and stayed on the bike, but it wasn't easy.

I might get out again Saturday for another ride, I have a 5k run in the morning though, and we are probably going out of birthday dinners that night. Gotta keep busy I guess.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

When I find that Gremlin....

Oh the things I will do to it. Nasty, nasty things.

Last week, I ran into an issue when changing the gearing on my Pure Fix Zulu.  It is rare, and that is why businesses have warranties. Got a new wheel today (and a few other things I had planned on getting anyways) today, and got it installed. Now, the new wheel didn't come with a tire or tube, which makes sense. As I removed the ones from the old wheel, I thought to myself, "When you replace a tire, you put a new tube in it. I wonder if that holds true for the wheels too..."

Short answer, "yeah....."

I had the wheel, with tire on, sitting in the doorway to the room I do my repairs in, aired up, looking good, and I was getting the bike cleaned up. (I should have done that yesterday, but I hadn't gotten around to getting to the store to buy baby wipes, so I was using Simple Green. The smell brought back memories of working at Chuck E Cheese.)  BANG. I didn't even jump at the sound. After the trauma of last year and the week with 6 tubes in the KHS, I got good at changing tubes. I thought this one had gone decently well, although the valve didn't come out as far as it did on the old wheel. (The new wheel does look nicer, but a hair deeper rim on it.) I hadn't though much of it, but yeah.... I don't know if the LBS has the right tubes, since they were 60mm valves, and I hadn't gotten around to picking up a spare tube yet. (again, 60mm valves, not as easy to find.)

On the plus side, I wasn't planning on riding today anyways.

The bike was upgraded after this, since not having the tire ready didn't really have any bearing on the other stuff. I was able to switch the handlebars to a nice pair of white bullhorns, and added a rear brake. The brake came with some nice little black shimano clamps, which were great except one of the screws had the screwdriver slot poorly formed. It's just a normal screw, so I should be able to grab one from Home Depot or something for less than the gas to drive there. Really, installing the rear brake was really not that hard, it might need some tweaking once I have the tire on the wheel again though.

I do need to grab some handlebar tape still, which I had planned on getting white (The glow in the dark tape never seems to be in stock...) but with the bars being while already, I am not sure if I will go with white, black, or maybe a black/white camo combo.

(I am glad I mounted the wireless computer mount to the frame, I didn't have to find more zip ties that way.)

I really owe a lot of thanks to Pure Fix, it is rare to find a company that is easy to work with when it comes to warranty stuff. I can't wait until I get the new tire on there and can go out for a spin, even it that means using the trainer.

Clean the stable?

Right now, my stable has 3 whips, along with 3 of my wife's bikes, and the kids' bikes. I am not sure if my oldest son's bike is in the house or not, and I think my youngest's is outgrown. There is also a kids fixie (with training wheels) somewhere around here, but it is something like a 12" tire size. (Solid, not pneumatic.) On top of this, my mother-in-law's bike is in the house too, after a crash last year. I do have an aluminium Cannondale at the local bike shop, it has issues. Good components, but it might need a new fork and stem. Really, I plan to sell it off, it isn't a benefit to me at this time, nor do I see it becoming one.

I found out that I can order Pure Fix frames from Bicycle Stop in Springfield, which is only about 45 minutes away, give or take. Bicycle Stop isn't my favorite shop, personally, but when I next plan to get a new jersey, they will be the first place I'll go. (Depending on my need, I have go-to bike shops in various order, starting with Parker's in Piqua for almost everything, Carty's in Sidney for older Schwinn parts, Family Bike Shop (Troy) and Tipp Cyclery (Tipp City) for random other things. I don't like ordering parts for the most part, and half of the tools I have bought at random, from a variety of the above places. (Last time I bought parts at the bike store in Huber Heights, the shop guy seemed annoyed that I was going to do the work myself, so I avoid there unless I need a water bottle, or I am taking my wife's car to the repair shop next door.

(I should mention Countryside Bike Shop over in Greenville, nice little newer shop, only been there once to pick up a new BB for my KHS. They had it in stock, which beat Performance Bike who didn't have it in stock. (That was a fun few days, I had to have the threads on the KHS redone at Carty's, and he didn't have the BB in stock. Arty (Parker's) was on vacation that week, and I hadn't gotten the Pure Fix yet, so I did some driving that week.

Springfield is a nice bike shop, and in a lot of ways, it rivals Performance Bike. It does have the downside most local shops have though, were you are not quite taken as seriously or as well taken care of if they don't recognize you as a real cyclist, and not somebody who will just say screw it and go to Walmart. Now, being that most of the bike shops around here know me, most to the point of knowing my first name on sight, I don't have that issue locally. Springfield is just far enough that I may only be there once or twice a year, and usually I am in the area for other reasons. (It doesn't help that they are closed on Sundays, which is the usual time I go to Springfield.)

Still, I am excited that I can get the Pure Fix frames (and the bikes...) from them for MSRP. This is great, even though sales tax is involved, because shipping is expensive, and I never have the money when the sales are going on directly from Pure Fix. I've had my eye on Pure Fix's Dual tube frameset for a while now, and the cost isn't bad. The problem was shipping here would be about half the cost of the frame. Now I can drive to Springfield, and give them $100 bucks, and pay the rest when it comes in a week later. (The rest being $10 because the frames are $110 and whatever sales tax comes up to. My county has the lowest sales tax in the area, but I think it would be another 7 bucks or something. They said I could just do half down and the rest later, my mind likes thinking in rounder numbers though.)

After that, the only big cost is the wheel set, and I have a few options for that. Still, I am running out of room in the house for more bikes, so I am thinking that I might have to sell another one, which sadly means that the vintage green Schwinn Varsity may have to go. Nice bike, decent upgrades, and not sure I want to sell it. Makes me wish I had a garage to put my bikes in...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Glitches like me

So, the switching of the rear gear didn't go quite as planned. I really don't want to go into the fine details, but that is why warranties exist. Being something the LBS had never even seen before, so it does fit in near perfectly with my habit of having problems with the bizarre when it comes to bikes. At any rate, new parts are inbound, due to great service at Pure Fix Cycles. I would say the entire thing, from me finding the issue to getting it resolved, was really fast. I called them at 3:59 in the afternoon, and the email with the shipping info for the part was sent at 4:56 that same day. (To be fair, this was between 1 and 2 in the afternoon at Pure Fix's California HQ, and I am in Ohio.)

So today looked to be a great day to go riding, but with Glowie on the stand for a few days, and my cold weather gear still in the drier, I mounted the KHS onto the trainer. This took me about 5 minutes to adjust it, since I had it set for the fixie. I got in just under 3 miles while playing Mortal Kombat on the PS3, but since I hadn't played that game in about 2 years, or since before I replaced the PS3 two years ago, all the fun stuff was locked and I couldn't really remember how to play. (I bet it may have been more fun if I had set the trainer up in front of the PS2 and played Need for Speed...)

Still, I have not been on the KHS since I got Glowie back in October, though between a flat on the KHS where I had to patch the tire (not the tube, I may have to replace the tire which I just got last summer) and the 28 tires on the fixie feel more stable in the Ohio winter we have had so far that the KHS's 25 tires. This made getting on the KHS, while on the trainer, something surreal. The fit is a little better for me, but the seat is horrible, and the wires for the brakes, shifters, and computer just look like a mess. (I have a wireless computer mounted to the top tube of Glowie.) I am almost tempted to put the KHS road bike up for sale, though I don't know if doing the Double Donut 64 mile race would be sane on a Fixie. Then again, sane is not often a word associated with me...

I did move the saddle position on the Fixie to closer match the KHS, I will have to switch the stem again back to stock, but next weekend, I expect to have the Zulu dialled in near perfect.

(Then again, I could sell the KHS, and if I can sell the Cannondale that is surplus, I might be able to afford a Ti frame... or maybe an Oscar. That thing is shiny.)

Friday, February 21, 2014

New parts

Glowie is going to be going under some mods this week, as I just got a new part in the mail today, a 14t Fixed Cog.

Since the Pure Fix fixies ship out with a 16t rear gear, this will give me a bit more power to the bike. Also, it was cheaper to buy a new rear gear than a new front gear...  this will give me a 44:14 (22:7 or sorta Pi ) ratio instead of the original 44:16 (11:4 or 2.75) so I think that is about a 14% increase in speed per the same cadence, which means the cadence for 10 mph becomes just under 11.5 mph.

The gear itself was on the Pure Fix site, but I had a coupon, so it was free (not counting shipping.) I think next might be some bull horns, which will probably need some bar tape as well.

I will probably switch the gears out tonight, not really looking forward to finding the new sweetspot for the rear wheel.

I haven't been on my KHS in months now, I patched one of the tires, but still weary of it. I probably will have to put new tires on it, or at least 1 new tire. Oh well, could be worse I guess.

(I also picked up a small backpack like bag for a buck with my order from Pure Fix, they are handy enough for some of the things I do. I think this is the same material as the reusable grocery store bags...)