Saturday, February 22, 2014

Glitches like me

So, the switching of the rear gear didn't go quite as planned. I really don't want to go into the fine details, but that is why warranties exist. Being something the LBS had never even seen before, so it does fit in near perfectly with my habit of having problems with the bizarre when it comes to bikes. At any rate, new parts are inbound, due to great service at Pure Fix Cycles. I would say the entire thing, from me finding the issue to getting it resolved, was really fast. I called them at 3:59 in the afternoon, and the email with the shipping info for the part was sent at 4:56 that same day. (To be fair, this was between 1 and 2 in the afternoon at Pure Fix's California HQ, and I am in Ohio.)

So today looked to be a great day to go riding, but with Glowie on the stand for a few days, and my cold weather gear still in the drier, I mounted the KHS onto the trainer. This took me about 5 minutes to adjust it, since I had it set for the fixie. I got in just under 3 miles while playing Mortal Kombat on the PS3, but since I hadn't played that game in about 2 years, or since before I replaced the PS3 two years ago, all the fun stuff was locked and I couldn't really remember how to play. (I bet it may have been more fun if I had set the trainer up in front of the PS2 and played Need for Speed...)

Still, I have not been on the KHS since I got Glowie back in October, though between a flat on the KHS where I had to patch the tire (not the tube, I may have to replace the tire which I just got last summer) and the 28 tires on the fixie feel more stable in the Ohio winter we have had so far that the KHS's 25 tires. This made getting on the KHS, while on the trainer, something surreal. The fit is a little better for me, but the seat is horrible, and the wires for the brakes, shifters, and computer just look like a mess. (I have a wireless computer mounted to the top tube of Glowie.) I am almost tempted to put the KHS road bike up for sale, though I don't know if doing the Double Donut 64 mile race would be sane on a Fixie. Then again, sane is not often a word associated with me...

I did move the saddle position on the Fixie to closer match the KHS, I will have to switch the stem again back to stock, but next weekend, I expect to have the Zulu dialled in near perfect.

(Then again, I could sell the KHS, and if I can sell the Cannondale that is surplus, I might be able to afford a Ti frame... or maybe an Oscar. That thing is shiny.)

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