Friday, October 11, 2013

The stable is getting larger...

This morning I ordered another bike. Yeah, really, I guess the name of the blog does say "a" bike.... but anyways... moving along....

It was an interesting challenge, as I set a payment for the amount to Capital 1 yesterday, but they blocked the payment from my available credit. (I have the rewards card, and dang it, I want that 1.5% cash back credit thing.)

This, it turns out, was because my wife hadn't activated the card I had requested for her, which hadn't arrived yet. Rather a strange problem, really, but whatever. Got that sorted out, and got onto Amazon to place the order. It went from "Shipping in 1 to 2 days" to "Shipping in 1 to 4 months" with an estimated date of January 15th. That's next freaking year. Ah hell no.

I ended up calling the company (not saying who or such until I have it in hand!) and got talking with one of the founders of the company. Winds up, they found another one in the warehouse that wasn't in the online inventory, and I also ended up getting a discount that made it cost less than it would have on Amazon.

I am still waiting on the tracking info to go live... It is being sent to the local bike shop, and it will be a quick build for whoever does that. (Might be me, might be Artie. Either way, he gets to sign off on it for the warranty.)

Still, with the Gourd a week away, it should be interesting.

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