Monday, October 7, 2013

Maintenance and tire removal

I have a clicking sound that I fear may be coming from the bottom bracket. I spent a few hours yesterday tearing apart the drivetrain of the bike, and found some gunk under the cup of the sealed bb, but the cartridge wouldn't come out. I had to abandon the removal attempt. The other sound seems to be coming front the front wheel, which is somewhat new. It could just be the magnet for the speedometer though.

At cub scouts last night, they were doing bike safety, which involved riding bikes. Without helmets. Sure, I didn't start wearing a helmet until I was about that age, but it still seemed off. They also showed them how to change a bike tire, however the method involved using a screwdriver to remove the tire.
Once I got him home I got my tire change kit out, and showed him how to use tire lever.

The above was written a few weeks ago, on my cell phone, and I never got around to publishing it or editing it. Just going to ignore it now....

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